When you hear the term chiropractic adjustment, you may think of issues involving the spine or back. While spinal issues are commonly treated by
a chiropractor, there are several other reasons you may benefit from chiropractic treatment. If you suffer from sinusitis, fatigue, or insomnia, you
may want to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. Here are some uncommon reasons to seek treatment.
In a nutshell, sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinus cavities. When the sinuses become inflamed or congested due to colds or allergies,
pressure, pain, or fever may occur. Decongestants may provide temporary relief. However, if you suffer from sinus issues and standard treatment
has not provided relief, you might want to consult with a chiropractor.
A chiropractic adjustment to ease your sinusitis may consist of a facial bone adjustment. The chiropractor may use his or her hands to apply
pressure on target areas in the face. Sinus facial adjustments may help promote drainage. When the sinuses are better able to drain,congestion
and pressure may be relieved.
Basically,chiropractic adjustment for sinusitis does not merely address your symptoms. Adjustment by the chiropractor will address the main
cause by allowing your sinuses to drain on a more permanent basis. As a bonus, this treatment may help you avoid taking drugs which may cause
unpleasant side effects.
2. Fatigue (Or a Lack of Energy)
Are you constantly finding yourself with alack of energy or feeling fatigued throughout the day? If so, perhaps your everyday aches and pains due
to stress or work are draining your energies. Aches and pains often have a way of zapping energy from an otherwise healthy individual.
How can a chiropractor help? The concept is rather simple. Chiropractors aim a teasing pain through various methods, such as hands-on
manipulation and other therapies.
If you find yourself constantly slouching over a computer desk for several hours a day, or lifting and bending at work, the aches and pains you've
been experiencing may lead to chronic tiredness. Talk to your chiropractor so he or she may access your situation and lifestyle. Tell him or her
where you feel discomfort and when your energy seems to drop the most.
If your work involves physical stress that has placed your spine out of alignment, your chiropractor may suggest a spinal adjustment. Advice on
proper body mechanics and posture may be given to you as well. Any of these methods may help you feel more energized,and it may be worth
3. Insomnia and Sleep Related Issues
If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night on a regular basis, your insomnia may be affecting your quality of life.
Perhaps snoring is a nightly issue that prevents you from sleeping soundly. Rather than depend upon medications that cause side effects or
possibly be habit forming, it may be time to seek alternative options.
Your sleepless nights may be caused by more than worry or anxiety. According to
published reports, insomnia is sometimes causes by
subluxation. In layman's terms, this may mean your spine or vertebrae is misaligned.
A chiropractic adjustment just might help you feel better and gain a healthier and more restful sleep. In conjunction with the chiropractic
adjustment, you may need to make some lifestyle modifications,and your health care provider may offer advice. You might be told to eliminate
sugar and caffeine in your diet or take dietary supplements.
Don't dismiss the idea of chiropractic care for health and medical concerns, such as those mentioned above. Whether you suffer from chronic
sinusitis, fatigue, or insomnia, a chiropractor may be able to help. Contact
Progressive Chiropractic
and schedule an appointment with a specialist